This document is intended to recognize the issues many faculty in our community are facing on both of these fronts and identify strategies to address them. Recommendations are drawn from scholarly research on academic life, including emerging research on the pandemic, and articles in higher...
Read MoreRead MorePenn regularly conducts surveys of the Penn faculty and other members of the Penn community and releases reports that describe the composition of its faculty and progress of faculty diversity initiatives....
Read MoreRead MoreThe “invisible labor” done by professors of color is not usually rewarded with tenure and promotion. But it is more important now than ever....
Read MoreRead MoreFor women academics, deciding to have a baby is a career decision. Traditional narratives of the academic career must adapt to new demands and new constituencies....
Read MoreRead MoreThe purpose of this study is to explore the relative importance of three explanations for gender stratification by modeling their separate and cumulative effects upon the increase in status, responsibility, and salary achieved as a result of administrative promotion. Findings indicate that gender has a...
Read MoreRead MoreIn response to our charge, the Ad-Hoc Committee on LGBT Issues (C-LGBT) reviewed the status of LGBT physicists to assess the barriers to full inclusion within the physics community. Input was obtained through focus groups held at American Physical Society (APS) meetings, a detailed climate...
Read MoreRead MoreAll too often, race discourse in the United States devolves into shouting matches, silence, or violence, all of which are mirrored in today’s classrooms. This book will help individuals develop the skills needed to facilitate difficult dialogues across race in high school and college classrooms,...
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