Support & Development

Love Statue Vertical
Supporting Penn faculty in the pandemic


The pandemic is having unpredictable effects on faculty productivity.  To make visible the range of implications and build conversation on how to address these implications, we offer: A Guide for Penn Faculty.

To normalize recognition the many implications of the pandemic for faculty work and life, in fall 2020 the University extended the probationary period by one year for all faculty who are assistant professors and associate professors without tenure in the tenure, clinician educator, and research tracks whose reviews have not already begun, who are not in their mandatory or terminal year, and who have not already received an extension related to COVID19.

In Spring 2021 the University also added a pandemic impact statement to its faculty review process. All faculty members may include pandemic impact statements in their annual performance and activity reports and in their dossiers for appointment, tenure, and promotion.

Learn more about the University’s COVID-19 response at

Teaching Resources & Opportunities

Center for Excellence in Teaching, Learning and Innovation
Teaching resources for new faculty
Penn Online Learning Initiative
Inclusive & Equitable Teaching (CTL)
Racial Equity Course Review (CTL)
Academically Based Community Service courses
Teaching Awards
Ben Franklin

Academic Integrity

Code of Academic Integrity
Code of Student Conduct
Center for Community Standards and Accountability
University of Pennsylvania

Other University Resources

Office of the Vice Provost for Research

Global Engagement

Penn Libraries

Leadership Development

Leadership Development Events
Penn Faculty Fellows
Penn Museum