Penn Faculty Pathways Program


This program is open to Assistant Professors in STEMM fields on the Tenure or Clinician-Educator track. Note: Assistant professors who have been faculty members for at least one or two years (here at Penn or at another institution) are likely to benefit most from this program. The selection committee will also consider applications of assistant professors at any stage, from recent appointment to pre-promotion review.

Time Commitment

Faculty in the program will attend a total of eight monthly sessions on select Fridays, beginning at noon. Lunch is provided at in-person sessions. The first session is 3 hours and the following sessions are 2.5 hours. The final session may go longer. In addition to class time, participants spend about 1 hour per week intermittently on program-related activities.

Please contact Susan Primavera ( for additional program information.

Program Content

  • Total Leadership Program (3 sessions): Through peer mentoring and individual reflection, these sessions will focus on increasing performance at work, at home, in the community and for the private self (mind, body, spirit) – by finding mutual value among these four life domains (see
  • Faculty Career Development (5 sessions): Seminar sessions will be facilitated by content-area experts.  Combining discussions with skill-building activities, these sessions focus on developing fundamental strategies for Effective Leadership, Promotion, Time/Energy Management, Effective Communication, and Career Planning.  In the process, participants create a network of colleagues within the University who can provide peer mentoring and also some collegial enjoyment.

Expected Outcomes

To date, Penn Pathways Faculty have achieved significant outcomes. They developed empowerment, insight, knowledge, and skills for advancing their academic careers and clarifying their values and goals for their work and other parts of life. As one participant summarized, “the program provided me the impetus to think deeply about the direction I wanted to take my personal and professional life.” The program has made others feel a “sense of belonging” and “more connected” to the Penn community.

Previous Recipients
IshmailAbdus-Saboor7School of Arts and SciencesBiology
VictoriaAddis6Perelman School of MedicineOphthalmology
Anish K.Agarwal8Perelman School of MedicineEmergency Medicine
JamesAguirre1School of Arts and SciencesPhysics and Astronomy
RebeccaAhrens-Nicklas8Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics/Genetics
ErolAkcay2School of Arts and SciencesBiology
AaronAlexander-Bloch9Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
ZarinaAli5Perelman School of MedicineNeurosurgery
Jorge IvanAlvarez4School of Veterinary MedicinePathobiology
Uduak UmohAndy4Perelman School of MedicineObstetrics and Gynecology/ Urogynecology
Montserrat C.Anguera1School of Veterinary MedicineBiomedical Sciences
JessicaAnna2School of Arts and SciencesChemistry
RebeccaAshare6Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
StephenAvery3Perelman School of MedicineRadiation Oncology
FrancesBalamuth3Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics
EduardoBarbosa, Jr.2Perelman School of MedicineRadiology
IgorBargatin1School of Engineering and Applied ScienceMechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
KatieBarott6School of Arts and SciencesBiology
Danielle S.Bassett2School of Engineering and Applied ScienceBioengineering
LeeBassett4School of Engineering and  Applied ScienceElectrical and Systems Engineering
RinadBeidas4Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
KeithBredemeier7Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
IgorBrodsky4School of Veterinary MedicinePathobiology
RobertBrody9Perelman School of MedicineOtorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
ChristopherBrown1Perelman School of MedicineGenetics
Lily A.Brown7Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
LukaszBugaj9School of Engineering & Applied ScienceBioengineering
Yekaterina (Kate)Buriko9School of Veterinary MedicineClinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine 
Alison M.Buttenheim2School of NursingFamily Medicine & Community Health
Ana MariaCardenas3Perelman School of MedicinePathology and Laboratory Medicine
RotonyaCarr3Perelman School of MedicineMedicine
LeslieCastelo-Soccio5Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics/Dermatology
RicardoCastillo-Neyra9Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Biostatistics, Epidemiology & Informatics
Krisda H.Chaiyachati8Perelman School of MedicineMedicine
Han-Chiao (Isaac)Chen3Perelman School of MedicineNeurosurgery
David M.Chenoweth1School of Arts and SciencesChemistry
JulioChirinos2Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Cardiovascular Medicine
PeterChoi9Perelman School of MedicinePathology & Laboratory Medicine
OmarChoudhri8Perelman School of MedicineNeurosurgery
ChristopherCielo7Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics/Pulmonary Medicine
DanaClarke5School of Veterinary MedicineClinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine
DavidCormode4Perelman School of MedicineRadiology
BrendaCurtis5Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
KathrynDavis3Perelman School of MedicineNeurology
AdeyinkaDayo8School of Dental MedicineOral Medicine
CesarDe la Fuente7Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry, Microbiology and Bioengineering
JoshuaDiamond6Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care
ZahraFakhraai1School of Arts and SciencesChemistry
ChristopherFang-Yen1School of Engineering and Applied ScienceBioengineering
JohnFiadjoe3Perelman School of MedicineAnesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
Dalmacio “Dennis”Flores7School of NursingFamily Medicine & Community Health
AimeFranco9Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics/Endocrine
Jorge A.Galvez4Perelman School of MedicineAnesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
MariaGeffen2Perelman School of MedicineOtorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
JeffreyGreeson3Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
AshleyHaggerty8Perelman School of MedicineObstetrics-Gynecology-Gynecologic Oncology
YuchiHan3Perelman School of MedicineMedicine
JoannaHart6Perelman School of MedicineMedicine
ErumHartung7Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics/Nephrology
ElizabethHeller7Perelman School of MedicineSystems Pharmacology & Translational Therapeutics
JorgeHenao-Mejia7Perelman School of MedicinePathology and Laboratory Medicine
BlancaHimes3Perelman School of MedicineBiostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics
JonathanHogan4Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Renal-Electrolyte & Hypertension
GeelsuHwang9School of Dental MedicinePreventive and Restorative Sciences
SharonIrving4School of NursingFamily Medicine and Community Health
SaraJacoby6School of NursingFamily Medicine & Community Health
DavidJang5Perelman School of MedicineEmergency Medicine
DeepJariwala8School of Engineering and Applied SciencesElectrical and Systems Engineering
Hyeran HelenJeon7School of Dental MedicineOrthodontics
Kyu-SangJoeng7Perelman School of MedicineOrthopaedic Surgery
MichelleJohnson2Perelman School of MedicineRehabilitation Medicine
Kellie AnnJurado8Perelman School of MedicineMicrobiology
JenniferKalish9Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics, Genetics and CHOP Genetics
EleniKatifori3School of Arts and SciencesPhysics and Astronomy
MeetaKerlin7Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Pulmonary and Critical Care
SudhaKessler4Perelman School of MedicineNeurology
AndreaKnight4Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics/Rheumatology
EmilyKo9Perelman School of MedicineObstetrics and Gynecology/Gynecologic Oncology
MelanieKornides8School of NursingFamily Medicine & Community Health
ErikaKrick3School of Veterinary MedicineClinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine
EmilyKuschner9Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Psychiatry
BonnieKy1Perelman School of MedicineMedicine-Cardiovascular Medicine
MeghanLane-Fall2Perelman School of MedicineAnesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
DanielLee8Perelman School of MedicineSurgery
ElizabethLennon7School of Veterinary MedicineClinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine
JenniferLenz8School of Veterinary MedicineClinical Sciences & Advanced Medicine (CSAM)
MiaLevine5School of Arts and SciencesBiology
JenniferLewey8Perelman School of MedicineMedicine
BomyiLim7School of Engineering and Applied ScienceChemical and Biomolecular Engineering
ElainaLin9Perelman School of MedicineAnesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
Carolina B.Lopez1School of Veterinary MedicinePathobiology
TimothyLucas2Perelman School of MedicineNeurosurgery
WenqinLuo1Perelman School of MedicineNeuroscience
IrinaMarinov1School of Arts and SciencesEarth and Environmental Science
YehodaMartei9Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Hematology-Oncology
JamesMarx1School of Veterinary MedicinePathobiology
AnnaMassie9School of Veterinary MedicineClinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine
Jennifer A.Mautone4Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
ElizabethMcDonald7Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Radiology
MichaelMitchell8School of Engineering and Applied SciencesBioengineering
KeikoMiyadera6School of Veterinary MedicineClinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine
FlorenceMomplaisir9Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Infectious Diseases
Lisa A.Murphy1School of Veterinary MedicinePathobiology
SushilaMurthy6Perelman School of MedicineAnesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
IsabelMuzzio2School of Arts and SciencesPsychology
AliNabavizadeh9Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Radiology
AndreeaNicoara1School of Arts and SciencesMathematics
WanjikuNjoroge5Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
KylaOrtved6School of Veterinary MedicineClinical Studies-New Bolton Center
IleanaPerez-Rodriguez6School of Arts and SciencesEarth and Environmental Science
JamesPikul6School of Engineering and Applied ScienceMechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics
SaraPinney2Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics
DiptiPitta2School of Veterinary MedicineClinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine
MichaelPosa8School of Engineering and Applied SciencesMechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
MichaelPovelones2School of Veterinary MedicinePathobiology
LauraProsser6Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics/Medicine
ArjunRaj1School of Engineering and  Applied ScienceBioengineering
JordanRaney5School of Engineering and  Applied ScienceMechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
CeliaReina2School of Engineering and Applied ScienceMechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics
GarethRoberts3School of Arts and SciencesLinguistics
JeffreyRoizen5Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics/Endocrinology and Diabetes
Ayelet MeronRuscio1School of Arts and SciencesPsychology
LaurenSallan2School of Arts and SciencesEarth and Environmental Science
MelissaSanchez2School of Veterinary MedicinePathobiology
KotaroSasaki7School of Veterinary MedicineBiomedical Sciences
TheodoreSatterthwaite5Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
FarzanaSayani4Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Hematology-Oncology
KathrynSchuler9School of Arts and SciencesLinguistics
NadavSchwartz1Perelman School of MedicineObstetrics and Gynecology
CobbScott3Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
RonnieSebro5Perelman School of MedicineRadiology
SuneetaSenapati5Perelman School of MedicineObstetrics and Gynecology/ Reproductive Endocrinology & Infertility
FrankSetzer5School of Dental MedicineEndodontics
RachanaShah4Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics/Endocrinology and Diabetes
Rabie M.Shanti6School of Dental MedicineOtorhinolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery
SunnyShin4Perelman School of MedicineMicrobiology
Michael A.Silverman8Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics
Raymond E.Soccio5Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/ Endocrinology and Diabetes
VijaySrinivasan4Perelman School of MedicineAnesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
LauraStarbird9School of NursingFamily Medicine and Community Health
Panagiota (Yota)Stathopoulou4School of Dental MedicinePeriodontics
CynthiaSung6School of Engineering and Applied ScienceMechanical Engineering & Applied Mechanics
RandelSwanson5Perelman School of MedicinePhysical Medicine & Rehabilitation
JordanSwanson6Perelman School of MedicineSurgery/ Plastic Surgery
JuliaSzymczak7Perelman School of MedicineBiostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics
MeredithTamminga3School of Arts and SciencesLinguistics
Ignacio E.Tapia2Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics
Neil K.Taunk8Perelman School of MedicineRadiation Oncology
PaulTitchenell6Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Physiology
HenryTowsner4School of Arts and SciencesMathematics
KimberlyTrout3School of NursingFamily Medicine & Community Health
SenbagamVirudachalam5Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics
FlaviaVitale7Perelman School of MedicineSystems Pharmacology & Translational Therapeutics
AleksandraVojvodic5School of Engineering and  Applied ScienceChemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Susan W.Volk5School of Veterinary MedicineClinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine
JenniferWalter3Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics
ElizabethWhite8Perelman School of MedicineOtorhinolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery
JaneWillenbring3School of Arts and SciencesEarth and Environmental Science
PaymanZamani6Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Cardiovascular Medicine
ChristinaBrotman11Perelman School of MedicineMedicine /Renal-Electrolyte and Hypertension
MarieGuerraty11Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Cardiovascular Medicine
EliseChong11Perelman School of MedicineMedicine/Hematology-Oncology
Ali G.Hamedani11Perelman School of MedicineNeurology
AndreaSchneider11Perelman School of MedicineNeurology/Neurocritical Care
JenniferMcCoy11Perelman School of MedicineObstetrics and Gynecology/Maternal Fetal Medicine
JoshBaxter11Perelman School of MedicineOrthopaedic Surgery
AlessandraChesi11Perelman School of MedicinePathology and Laboratory Medicine
AndreaJones11Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics
RachelKember11Perelman School of MedicinePsychiatry
Michael J.LaRiviere11Perelman School of MedicineRadiation Oncology
KatherineFrance11School of Dental MedicineOral Medicine
DohyungKim11School of Engineering and Applied ScienceChemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Amanda P.Bettencourt11School of NursingFamily Medicine and Community Health
RebeccaClark11School of NursingFamily Medicine and Community Health
AndrewModzelewski11School of Veterinary MedicineBiomedical Sciences
MaureenGriffin11School of Veterinary MedicineClinical Sciences and Advanced Medicine
LaiaMogas Soldevila11Weitzman School of DesignArchitecture
CaoimheDuffy10Perelman School of MedicineAnesthesia & Critical Care Medicine
Garrett KKeim10Perelman School of MedicineAnesthesia and Critical Care Medicine, Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
NeethiPinto10Perelman School of MedicineAnesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
JeffreyThompson10Perelman School of MedicineMedicine
RachelKohn10Perelman School of MedicineMedicine
NosheenReza10Perelman School of MedicineMedicine
DefneAmado10Perelman School of MedicineNeurology
Dustin D.Flannery10Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics
BenjaminSamelson-Jones10Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics/Hematology
RebeccaGanetzky10Perelman School of MedicinePediatrics-Genetics
MonicaMcCallum10School of Arts and SciencesChemistry
RobynSanderson10School of Arts and SciencesPhysics & Astronomy
KatherineTheken10School of Dental MedicineOral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pharmacology
Shoshana V.Aronowitz10School of NursingFamily and Community Health
StephenCole10School of Veterinary MedicinePathobiology