Recruiting Exceptional Faculty

Faculty Search Advisors

Penn is committed to recruiting, hiring, and supporting exceptional faculty. We encourage search committees to use the resources below. Please contact the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty with questions and for additional resources.

Faculty Search Advisors (“FSAs”) are charged with ensuring that faculty search processes are fair, open, and consistent with School and University policies and guidelines.

The FSA is expected to:

  • be knowledgeable about search policies and procedures;
  • assist with the formation of the search committee;
  • serve on the search committee or task a designee to do so;
  • ensure that the needs and requirements cited for the available position are broad enough to generate a pool of well-qualified candidates to meet the department’s research, teaching and/or clinical needs;
  • evaluate the plan for posting and publicizing the position; and
  • certify that a search was conducted in accordance with University policies and guidelines.

The Recruitment Process

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    Forming a Search Committee

    Wherever possible, search committees should have members with a range of backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences as well as individuals with research and clinical interests that align with those sought through the search.

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    The Position

    Developing the Position Description

    Before approving a position description, the FSA should discuss it with the department chair, considering whether the stated preferred academic fields are sufficiently broad to capture all individuals who could be well-qualified for the position.

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    Posting the Position Announcement

    Faculty positions published in Interfolio Faculty Search are automatically posted to Penn’s Faculty Job Board. Departments should also post descriptions of outreach forms specific to the field and sub-fields, as well as those aimed at reaching a wide range of potential candidates.

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    Utilizing Proactive Outreach

    Personalized and proactive outreach is essential to reaching and encouraging a sizable pool of excellent candidates. FSAs should encourage and advise search committees on strategies that ensure a fair and open process.

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    Evaluating and Selecting Candidates

    All candidates should be evaluated in the same manner and using the same criteria. The FSA should review and approve the shortlist of candidates – before finalists are selected.

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    Recruiting the Finalist and Assisting with the Transition

    The committee should stay in touch with other candidates while offers are outstanding. FSAs should also participate in post-search follow up. It is important that all candidates, particularly finalists and others who were interviewed, have confidence that the selection resulted from a fair and open search.

Resources for Recruitment and Hiring

Training & Resources

Below are some examples of resources that may be utilized by search committee members during the faculty search process.

FSA Guidelines
Faculty Search Report Form
Equal Opportunity Guidelines
Sample candidate evaluation template
Penn Campus
houston hall

Penn Funding for Recruitment and Retention

The University offers the Dual Career Fund to support recruitment and retention of Penn faculty. Department chairs are encouraged to reach out to their deans and the Vice Provost for Faculty to discuss this opportunity.

Dual Career Fund: Financial support to Departments for partners of faculty hires